Trust in nature

We feel fortunate to work with a noble, natural, sustainable and recyclable product.


Nature provides us and we want to be grateful and careful with our actions towards Her.


We are proud to take responsibility for an essential service: the preservation of such an ancient product as wine is.


We enjoy every moment of this historical accompaniment, which has been written so far and will be written.

Our mission

Preserve the tradicional manufacturing of natural cork stoppers made from proximity cork empowering a process and also a product with a very positive impact on the territory, working every day in order to improve the quality of our service and offering close and personalized attention to our customers.

Our essential values

These are the ethical principles which the culture of the company and our full team’s manners are based on.

  • Honesty: we want to be fair and trusty in our work.
  • Transparency: our actions are clear and sincere.
  • Collaboration: we are committed to cooperate with the community.
  • Perseverance: we are persistent and, also, we adapt ourselves to new situations.
  • Prudence: trial and error method applied before introducing changes.
  • Commitement: we get deeply involved in our contribution to the land. All our actions must be under the premise of respect for the environment.

3 generacions

We are a family company with a distinguishing trait: we carry out the production process in a totally comprehensive way, conditioning Km 0 cork for still wine.


At Costa Quer, we take care of our team’s well-being, trying to optimize it to enhance the benefit of our customers. We seek harmony in our organization and we expect it to become part of our contribution to society.

In the rythm of nature

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